This article continues my occasional meanderings into
dissecting and examining what is essentially a single line of code,
while at the same time providing a wealth of context to illustrate how
and why to apply the techniques from that line of code in a real
In this case, while working on an application that needed a component
for doing file selection by user-specified masks, I came upon a thread at StackOverflow
with a very basic implementation. I added my own contribution and
spruced it up in the forum thread, but I was not satisfied. So I went
further and packaged it into a user control to perform the file masking -
a component to drag into Visual Studio and hook up with just a couple
lines of code.
I had a unique requirement, though: besides allowing the user to
enter one or more masks (e.g. "User*Items", "*.sql", etc.) I also wanted
to only select files satisfying additional, arbitrary constraints (in
my case, that each file exist in two separate directories). To allow
this control to be completely generic and have additional customizable
constraints, I introduced a callback mechanism, which is commonly done
by passing an object that implements a particular interface. With LINQ,
though, one can do the same thing with just a bit more panache and with a
simpler, cleaner result than the more traditional approach.
I’ll start with a brief digression into some key LINQ concepts, then present and discuss my
one line of code,
which uses a doubly-nested LINQ construct plus the lambda expression
callback mechanism. This makes for quite a springboard for discussing
how a completely generic implementation becomes highly customized by how
you choose to use it. The final third or so of the article will take
you from theory to practice, illustrating how to hook up this user
control, and provides two demo applications to guide you.
A Very Brief Introduction to LINQ
Language Integrated Query, or LINQ, is a Microsoft technology introduced in the .NET 3.5 framework. LINQ lets you "
…write queries against strongly typed collections of objects."
That is, it lets you treat a variety of data - not just databases - as
first class data sources. LINQ comes in several flavors to allow you to
talk to diverse data sources, including databases, XML streams, and even
objects in your program (lists, arrays, dictionaries, etc.). LINQ
provides several powerful advantages over more traditional approaches:
more concise code; filter, group, and ordering capabilities with little
coding; portability due to a common query language for all data sources;
and strong typing.
A LINQ query operation consists of just three steps: obtain a data
source, create a query, and execute the query. This canonical example
from Microsoft's
Introduction to LINQ Queries page clearly illustrates the three steps:
class IntroToLINQ
static void Main()
// 1. Data source.
int[] numbers = new int[7] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
// 2. Query creation.
// evenNumQuery is an IEnumerable<int>
var evenNumQuery =
from num in numbers
where (num % 2) == 0
select num;
// 3. Query execution.
foreach (int num in evenNumQuery)
Console.Write("{0,1} ", num);
In this example, the data source is simply an array of integers, and the query - with its use of keywords like
where, and
select - resembles a SQL query, though the ordering of clauses is different. It is significant to note that
defining the query is separate from its
execution. Not until the
foreach loop does the data source return any results (which in this case is just a list of the even numbers from the array).
Examples without Overhead
If you like to try the examples as you encounter them, here is a tip
to save you from the overhead of creating a Visual Studio project and
all it entails:
- Download LINQPad, a LINQ and
C# sandbox/IDE to evaluate expressions, statements, or entire programs.
It includes powerful output visualization, particularly useful with
- Instead of using Console.Write calls, use the LINQPad Dump method.
- To run an entire program - as with the code in Listing 1 -
simply strip off the class brackets and paste everything else into
LINQPad. Here is the earlier example trimmed down for LINQPad. Set the
Language selector in LINQPad to C# Program (rather than the default C# Expression) and you are immediately ready to execute:
void Main()
// 1. Data source.
int[] numbers = new int[7] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
// 2. Query creation.
// evenNumQuery is an IEnumerable<int>
var evenNumQuery =
from num in numbers
where (num % 2) == 0
select num;
// 3. Query execution.
Two Faces of LINQ
The query in the above example is written in a notation called
query syntax (I suppose because it’s reminiscent of a true SQL query), but there is a second notational form called
lambda syntax.
The two forms are exactly equivalent (where they overlap), and
performance is also exactly the same because, during compilation, query
syntax expressions are converted to lambda syntax internally. However,
the lambda syntax is richer, particularly in C#.
Query Expression Syntax for Standard Query Operators
for a Microsoft reference chart that shows the subset of methods that
may be invoked in query syntax in both C# and Visual Basic. Think of
that as the theoretical reference, while Brad Vincent turns that
information into the applied reference with his
quick reference chart,
showing side-by-side examples of query syntax and lambda syntax for
comparable operations. Another useful Microsoft reference page is
Query Syntax vs. Method Syntax (method syntax is another name for lambda syntax).
Here is the LINQ query from the previous example shown side-by-side
in query syntax and in lambda syntax, matching up elements from one to
the other:
Query Syntax
Lambda Syntax
var evenNumQuery = from num in numbers where (num % 2) == 0 select num; |
var evenNumQuery = numbers .Where(num => (num % 2) == 0) .Select(num => num); |
Table 1. A comparison of code in equivalent Query and Lambda Syntax
However, if an identity transformation is all that is needed in the
Select() method, it may be safely omitted, shortening the lambda syntax
in this example to just this:
var evenNumQuery = numbers.Where(num => (num % 2) == 0);
When should you use query syntax vs. lambda syntax? It is largely a
matter of preference. Lambda syntax is often more concise and so makes
for more readable code, but multiple joins are much cleaner with query
syntax. Lambda syntax also provides a superset over query syntax, so
some tasks
require lambda syntax. If you’re feeling
adventurous, you can even mix the two syntaxes, but this should be done
judiciously (e.g. adding a Single() to the end of an expression using
query syntax). Further discussion of the pros and cons is available here.
Lambda Expressions
The second form of LINQ syntax is called lambda syntax because of its use of
lambda expressions.
Though it sounds intimidating the first time you hear about it, a
lambda expression is simply a function written in a peculiar syntax to
facilitate writing it as an expression. This allows it to be placed into
a larger expression, making it well-suited for functional programming.
In the example above, the first lambda expression is:
num => (num % 2) == 0
equals-greater than token is supposed to visually
represent an arrow, and may be read as “goes to”, “maps to”, “becomes”
or “such that”; basically, this arrow separates inputs from outputs.
Here we have a single input,
num, and a single output, the Boolean expression
(num % 2) == 0. Lambda expressions may have one or more inputs, but they
always have a single output. This lambda expression states that you want a
num such that num is even,
since only even numbers modulo 2 are equal to zero. You’re using a
lambda expression when calling a method that takes a delegate as a
parameter, and the
Where() and
methods used above are two such methods. (They are just a couple of
examples of the many LINQ extension methods that take delegates.)
Distilling Delegates Down to Lambda Expressions
The example used so far shows how to
supply a lambda expression, so this section will discuss how to
it. The code sample below shows the use of delegates distilled to its
simplest case. First you define a signature, in this case a method that
takes an integer argument and returns an integer result, performing some
mapping on it. Next, you create a method that conforms to that
signature, in this case one that squares the integer value (SquareIt).
Then set up an instance of the delegate to point to the SquareIt method
so that when you call the delegate you are actually calling the
referenced method; passing an input value of 5, for example, yields an
output value of 25.
public delegate int MapAnInt(int x); // define a delegate signature
static public int SquareIt(int x) // define a method fitting the signature{ return x * x;}
void Main(){
MapAnInt myDelegate = new MapAnInt(SquareIt); // connect them
With the advent of C# 2.0 you could condense the code by using an anonymous delegate right in place:
public delegate int MapAnInt(int x);
void Main(){
MapAnInt myDelegate =
new MapAnInt( delegate(int x) { return x * x; } );
And with C# 3.0 you could replace the anonymous delegate with a
lambda expression - recall that a lambda expression may be used wherever
a delegate may be used - yielding a much more concise and arguably
clearer bit of code:
public delegate int MapAnInt(int x);
void Main(){
MapAnInt myDelegate = x => x * x;
(Thanks to Eric White for his blog entry on lambda expressions, from which I adapted the above syntax progression.)
The code has shrunk considerably, but you can do better still! In
this latest rendition, there are two separate chunks of code: the
declaration and the delegate
usage. A key reason for using anonymous delegates in the first place is to have it all
right there,
without needing to create any other pieces and then find useful places
to store them. The .NET framework thoughtfully provides a set of
built-in generic delegates to help you do just that. There is a set of
generic delegates for up to four arguments, both for functions that
return a value (
Func<…>) and functions that do not (
Action<…>). Here is the previous, concise code snippet made even more concise by using the built-in
Func delegate that takes one argument and returns a value:
void Main(){
Func<int, int> myDelegate = x => x * x;
In this example, the input is an int and so is the return value, so which is which? By convention, the
element in the list is always the type of the return value. If the
delegate returned a string instead, the type declaration above would
have been
Func<int, string> myDelegate… . Here is a list of the built-in function delegate declarations:
public delegate TResult Func<TResult>();
public delegate TResult Func<T1, TResult>(T1 arg1);
public delegate TResult Func<T1, T2, TResult>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2);
public delegate TResult Func<T1, T2, T3, TResult>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3);
public delegate TResult Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TResult>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4);
The Action delegates are analogous but without return values, and as
long as you have no more than four arguments, you can use those to save
yourself from the explicit creation of a delegate. See
The Built-In Generic Delegate Declarations for more details, and for reference, the
Func<T1, Result> delegate (just to pick the one used in the example) is documented
here on MSDN.
If you are creating an application or libraries for your own use, I would always recommend using the built-in delegates, but I
have found a circumstance where it was better
to use them - in my open-source libraries. These libraries are for
general consumption, and to make them as broadly applicable as possible,
I decided when .NET 3.5 was very new to compile the libraries to .NET
2.0 using the LINQBridge library
[2]. I still think that there is enough corporate inertia behind .NET 2.0, so I continue to support it.
If I
had used the built-in delegates in my libraries, then
when you came along and wanted to use them, Visual Studio would have
required you to add a reference to the LINQBridge.dll in your project,
whether you compiled under .NET 2.0 or 3.5. I consider that
unacceptable, as it should be transparent to you, the application
developer. Defining my own delegates was the way around this; your
application will still pull in LINQBridge.dll when it compiles (along
with several other DLLs that are dependencies in my libraries) but it
will be totally transparent to you.
For further study, you may wish to peruse
Anonymous Methods or
Lambda Expressions in Microsoft’s
C# Programming Guide.
An Interesting Line of Code
Now that you can understand lambda expressions and how to use delegates, the
one line of code
for file masking should be straightforward (Listing 1), and can execute
immediately in LINQPad if you want to try it. The declarations at the
top include the familiar delegate declaration and definition, and the
Main method contains the one line of code to be discussed. The sample concludes with a support method (
that returns a Boolean value indicating whether the supplied file name
qualifies for inclusion based on the supplied file mask.
delegate bool RestrictionLambdaDelegate(string fileName);
// Simulated parameters for the code below RestrictionLambdaDelegate RestrictionLambda =
f => DateTime.Compare(File.GetLastWriteTime(f), EarliestDate) >= 0;string SourceDirectory = @"C:\temp\demo";string Mask = "*.xls|*.doc";DateTime EarliestDate = DateTime.Parse("2009-05-01T19:35:00.0000000Z");// End of parameters
void Main(){
// The one line of code
(from f in Directory.GetFiles(SourceDirectory)
where Mask
// convert compound masks to enumerable list to allow Any() call
.Split(new string[] { "\r\n", "\n", ",", "|", " " },
// Any extension method uses lambda expression to match file to any mask
.Any(fileMask => FitsMask(Path.GetFileName(f), fileMask))
// custom lambda expression allows further arbitrary restriction
&& (RestrictionLambda == null || RestrictionLambda(f))
orderby Path.GetFileName(f)
select f
).Dump(); // LINQPad display method}
private bool FitsMask(string fileName, string fileMask)
string pattern =
'^' + // anchor start of pattern
// store off key metacharacters then escape any other ones
.Replace(".", "__DOT__")
.Replace("*", "__STAR__")
.Replace("?", "__QM__"))
// then restore the saved metacharacters as regex chars
.Replace("__DOT__", "[.]")
.Replace("__STAR__", ".*")
.Replace("__QM__", ".")
+ '$'; // anchor end of pattern
return new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).IsMatch(fileName);
catch (ArgumentException)
{ return false; } // just return no match
Listing 1. File Mask Demo Program
Figure 1 shows zooms in on the key portion of code, highlighting the
doubly-nested LINQ queries for clarity. There are a number of points to
notice here:
- The outer LINQ query uses query syntax while the inner query uses
lambda syntax. Mixing them with these simple constructs does not add
confusion or complexity. The inner query must use lambda syntax, since the Any
extension method does not have an equivalent in query syntax form. The
outer query could be written either way and is about as complex in
either form.
- The inner query is the single Any extension method call; the Split in front of it just converts the input (a string stored in Mask) into an IEnumerable<string> collection, allowing you to send in multiple masks separated by any combination of the separator strings given.
- The Any method takes a delegate argument; here it is receiving a lambda expression that answers the question: does there exist any file mask such that the base file name satisfies the mask?
- The outer query consists of a simple from…where…orderby…select sequence.
- The outer query returns a list (sorted by file name) of all
files in the specified source directory where the file name matches at
least one of the specified file masks and where the file satisfies the arbitrary, user-supplied RestrictionLambda.
- The user-supplied RestrictionLambda is optional. If it is never
defined, then the gatekeeper expression (the check for null) avoids
attempting to execute it, thus avoiding a cataclysm of, well, minor
Figure 1. One Line of Code
This single line of functional programming code returns a list of
files from a specified directory matching one or more file masks and
satisfying an additional, unspecified constraint, supplied by the
calling application at runtime.
C# Injection or Dynamic C#?
You may be familiar with
SQL injection, a technique that
exploits an oft-found vulnerability, allowing an attacker to sneak in
arbitrary SQL statements through application code to examine, or even
corrupt, a system. Needless to say, SQL injection is
a very bad thing.
On the other hand, consider dynamic SQL (also referred to as embedded
SQL), a technique where one embeds SQL statements into application code
to achieve specific designs. Sounds rather similar to SQL injection, no?
If used judiciously, dynamic SQL is a good thing. Used carelessly, it
is indeed a well-oiled path to SQL injection.
Lambda expressions are analogous in the C# universe: they let you
embed arbitrary C# code into other C# code. Unlike SQL, though, the
arbitrary code is supplied at compile time - the user does
have the ability to send a string of code and thus be a potential source
of attack (It works with SQL because SQL commands are still just
strings at runtime). So, with C# you have the good part of injection
without the bad. Typically, you have a library routine written in such a
way as to accept code injection through lambda expressions, and you
have your main application which invokes that library, passing in its
particular code fragments to do what it wants done. Let’s get into the
details of that process.
Customization with Lambda Expressions
Though the one line of code in Figure 1 contains other interesting
aspects of LINQ as already discussed, the focus of this article is the
innocuous call to the RestrictionLambda method highlighted in red.
Listing 1 has shown this as top-level application code, but in reality
the code is in a library containing a general-purpose file masking
control (called, not too surprisingly, the FileMaskControl).
the RestrictionLambda call, the code produces a list of files matching
one or more supplied masks. Since the set of masks is determined by the
user, the routine already allows some custom behavior in a sense, but
within the narrow confines of file name patterns. Now add the
RestrictionLambda call, and suddenly the generic code is highly
customizable, limited only by what you can frame within the bounds of a
lambda expression (which is hardly a limit at all). Figure 2 illustrates
this functionality. Start with the entire contents of some selected
directory (frame 1). As you move to the second frame, apply a file mask
to filter the original list. The figure shows two masks applied: "Conn*"
and "*Data*". File masks allow you to
only select by naming
patterns. The lambda expression filter (applied in the third frame) lets
you select by arbitrary criteria; in this case with the same date
filter you have seen previously.
Figure 2. Visualizing The Two-Stage Filtering Process
The shaded files (and more that are scrolled off the panel) in the
leftmost frame survive the file mask filter into the middle frame. The
shaded files in the middle successfully pass the added restriction
imposed by the lambda expression to end up in the rightmost frame.
You can define RestrictionLambda to be any lambda function that
satisfies the signature required by the code; recall that the delegate
declaration specifies the signature. The delegate in Listing 1, repeated
below, specifies that the lambda expression must take a single input (a
file name) and return a Boolean output where
true indicates the file meets the specified criteria, and
false indicates the file fails to meet the criteria:
delegate bool RestrictionLambdaDelegate(string fileName);
In the context of the FileMaskControl, any lambda expression you
specify should be relevant to some characteristic of a file. Here are
just a few examples of additional restrictions (on top of those imposed
by the user-specified file masks that are built-in to the control). Not
surprisingly, they make copious use of File, Path, and FileInfo
Restrict files to those after a certain date
RestrictionLambda =
f => DateTime.Compare(File.GetLastWriteTime(f), EarliestDate) >= 0;
In common parlance: file
f, such that the modification time of
f is later than some specified date.
Include only files that are in a separate list of master files
RestrictionLambda =
(f => File.Exists(Path.Combine(ActivesPath, Path.GetFileName(f))));
Translation: file
f, such that a file of the same name also exists in a specified directory.
Ignore files marked as deprecated
RestrictionLambda =
f => !Path.GetFileName(f).ToLower().Contains("deprecated");
Translation: file
f, such that its name does not contain the word "deprecated", ignoring case.
Require files to be unlocked
RestrictionLambda =
f => (File.GetAttributes(f) & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) == 0;
Translation: file
f, where its read-only attribute is not enabled.
Restrict files to those smaller than a certain size
RestrictionLambda =
f => (new FileInfo(f).Length < MaxFileSize);
Translation: file
f, where its length is less than a specified size.
Putting Theory into Practice
You’ve now had a complete sample program to experiment with, plus
several lambda expressions to inject into the code. But folding the
concepts into a practical context or real-world application should help
solidify understanding.
The code in Listing 1 comprises the bulk of the FileMaskControl available from my open source libraries
[3]. The API for the control is available here.Visually,
the control consists of one input and two output components (Figure 3,
right-hand side). The input component is a type-in box for file masks
bound to the
Mask property. The output components include a list box displaying the names of the matched files bound to the
FileList property, and a label displaying the count of matched files.
The left side of Figure 3 shows the quite simple class diagram for
the control. Besides the constructor, it has a single public method
(UpdateFileMatches) that refreshes the output components on demand. Of
the seven public properties, five of them have visual correlations as
indicated. The remaining two non-visual properties specify the directory
to search and the familiar RestrictionLambda lambda expression.
Figure 3. The FileMask Control
The left side shows the details of the control in a class diagram,
relating the appropriate parts to the visual representation of the
control on the right. Using this control in your own application is
quite simple:
- Download my open source libraries[3] and unzip.
- In Visual Studio, add the control from the
CleanCode.GeneralComponents.dll library to your toolbox in the visual
designer (right-click in the toolbox and select Choose Items…).
- Drag the newly-added FileMaskControl from the toolbox onto the designer surface.
- Wire up the control in your code as described next.
Hooking it up involves, at a minimum, setting the
Mask and
properties. A typical starting value for the file mask is just “*.*” to
see all files, and you should set the source directory to your
appropriate location. Optionally, assign a lambda expression to the
RestrictionLambda property:
fileMaskControl.Mask = "*.*"; // (or mask(s) of your choice)fileMaskControl.SourceDirectory = "C:\temp"; // or directory of your choicefileMaskControl.RestrictionLambda =
f => (new FileInfo(f).Length < MaxFileSize);
Once you have initialized properties, tell the control to reflect your inputs with the
UpdateFileMatches method when the control becomes visible (or immediately, if it is on your main form):
Accompanying this article is a Visual Studio solution that provides two simple scenarios to get you started immediately
[4]. The first demo (Figure 4) combines a FileMaskControl with a directory selector to let the user set the
SourceDirectory property. As it’s designed to show the fewest lines of code needed to wire up the control, this demo does
not use the
filter. Figure 4 shows a typical default starting mask, and because no
directory has been selected, the output box on the right shows no
matching files yet.
Figure 4. The Basic FileMask Demo - This demo
requires just a few lines of code to hookup the directory selector to
the file mask control.
The second demo adds in a lambda expression filter, allowing you to dynamically include or exclude
at runtime the
expression that requires files to be later than a user-selectable date
(Figure 5). Here a set of multiple masks are present along with a
directory, so the output list already shows some results. Additionally,
the lambda expression filter is applied by checking the
box and selecting a date. Change the date, or disable it with the
checkbox, and the resulting list of files will immediately update -
whether you see any difference obviously depends on what is in your
directory, though!
Figure 5. The Customized FileMask Demo
This demo lets you interactively include or exclude a lambda expression to restrict files to a certain date range.
You have already seen the particular lambda expression used both in
Listing 1 and in the list of sample lambda expressions, but here it is
once again in context, showing how it uses the date supplied by the
user. The code fragment also takes into account whether the user has
enabled or disabled the date picker, and therefore the lambda
expression. Setting the delegate to null, as was shown in Listing 1,
effectively disables it. Again, that simple assignment is all you need
to customize the generic FileMaskControl to your application. Apply the
same technique to your own libraries to make customizable, generic
if (dateTimePicker.Enabled){
earliestDate = dateTimePicker.Value;
fileMaskControl.RestrictionLambda =
f => DateTime.Compare(File.GetLastWriteTime(f), earliestDate) >= 0;}else{
fileMaskControl.RestrictionLambda = null;}
For completeness, Listing 2 shows the complete hand-hewn portion of
the second demo (i.e. it does not include the parts generated by Visual
Studio's designer). There are just three event handlers for the three
supporting visual components (highlighted in the listing): the directory
picker, the date/time picker, and the enabled/disabled checkbox. Follow
the code from there and you will see the simple code needed to interact
with the FileMaskControl.
namespace FileMask_Demo_Customized
public partial class Form1 : Form
DateTime earliestDate;
public Form1()
private void directoryPickerButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
FolderBrowserDialog folderPicker = new FolderBrowserDialog();
DialogResult result = folderPicker.ShowDialog();
if (result == DialogResult.OK)
directoryTextBox.Text = folderPicker.SelectedPath;
fileMaskControl.SourceDirectory = folderPicker.SelectedPath;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
fileMaskControl.Mask = "*.*";
private void enabledCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
dateTimePicker.Enabled = enabledCheckBox.checked;
private void dateTimePicker_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void SetRestrictionByDate()
if (dateTimePicker.Enabled)
earliestDate = dateTimePicker.Value;
fileMaskControl.RestrictionLambda =
f => DateTime.Compare(File.GetLastWriteTime(f), earliestDate) >= 0;
fileMaskControl.RestrictionLambda = null;
Listing 2. Application Program to Manipulate the FileMaskControl
LINQ is a great leap forward in code abstraction. By providing a
uniform way to handle widely diverse data structures within a program
(not to mention diverse external data sources I’ve not even touched upon
in this article), LINQ makes code easier to create and, perhaps more
importantly, easier to maintain. It also provides tremendous flexibility
in what it can do. But more than that, it is even flexible in its own
use (is meta-flexible a real word?) offering two, quite different
notations: query syntax and lambda syntax.
Query syntax has the advantage of looking like a SQL query, and makes
some typical SQL-type operations (e.g. joins) simpler to write. On the
other hand, Lambda syntax allows for richer expressiveness with its
larger operator set, as well as access to one of the most powerful
aspects of LINQ, lambda expressions. As demonstrated in this article,
lambda expressions allow you to inject arbitrary functions into any
properly instrumented code. This gives you, as the designer, the
capability to design completely generic building blocks with hooks (i.e.
callback mechanisms) that can convert your building blocks into
extremely specialized components.
The FileMaskControl I’ve described shows just one example of a
practical application of this design pattern, illustrating some useful
techniques to help you write cleaner, tighter code. Indeed, the amount
of code directly related to the customization hooks for the
FileMaskControl is a grand total of two lines: one internal line to use
the lambda expression, and one external line to set a lambda expression.
With the principles I’ve described you should now have a good
foundation for using lambda expressions to develop your own library of
building blocks.